
Mayoral Candidate Stirs Up Memphis By Walking Around With Rifle; “I Overreacted”

MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE — Derek Winn, a mayoral candidate, caused alarm by walking in Midtown with a rifle. He explained to police that he carried the weapon for protection, citing Memphis’ dangers. This incident, which occurred near a preschool and elementary school, resulted in a lockdown and widespread concern among residents.

Winn, identified through Shelby County Election Commission records, later admitted to overreacting and expressed regret for open carrying his rifle to and from work. Police, responding to two calls about him, found no evidence of criminal intent or mental illness after visiting his home and conducting a background check. Consequently, no charges were filed, and his rifle was returned.

Tennessee law generally permits the open carrying of weapons. Winn, who garnered 57 votes in the mayoral race, advocated for abolishing zoning. Separately, Memphis City Council has proposed a ballot measure to restrict ‘assault weapons’, require permits for handguns, and implement red flag laws, though this could face legal challenges.

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