
Study Of 178 Mass Shootings Released By Texas-Based University

Over fifty years of mass shootings have been analyzed by a Texas university and the results were recently published.

Tarleton State University’s Institute for Predictive Analytics (‘IPAC”) conducted the study, spearheaded by Dr. Alex del Carmen, who is also on staff at the University’s School of Criminology. Under Dr. del Carmen, the IPAC conducted analysis of 178 mass shootings that occurred between 1966 and 2021. Their data source came from The Violence Project, based in Saint Paul, MN. The Violence Project’s goal is the reduction of violence through data and is non-profit and allegedly non-partisan.

The data revealed that 98% of mass shooters are typically white males below age 30 and tend to be single or in a broken marital state. The study does point to an increase in diversity of shooters in the last twenty years.

Dr. del Carmen indicated a high percentage (at least 70%) of mass shooters suffer from some sort of mental illness and at least 50% possess a previous criminal history. Dr. del Carmen stated that there was often a warning of some sort before the incident but the timetable for the warning versus reaction by authorities varied.

The report pointed to workplaces as a primary source of locations for mass shootings, followed by schools and commercial areas such as restaurants. The study highlighted the need for employers and educators to be cognizant of social media warnings by potential suspects.

Dr. del Carmen stated that he affirms the right of responsible persons to be able to possess the means to defend themselves but questions the ability of an 18-year-old to be able to acquire an AR-15 or other semiautomatic rifle. However, court rulings have clearly pointed out to the unconstitutionality of such restrictions as stated by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. The report comes in light of the recent mass shooting in Uvalde.

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