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Chicago Concealed Carrier Shoots And Kills Man Who Produced Gun In Alley During Verbal Altercation

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — A concealed carrier is lucky to be alive after an altercation with an unknown man shortly after 6 a.m. on Friday. The incident happened in the Chicago Lawn neighborhood where a 37-year-old man was in an alley, and somehow got involved in a verbal altercation with a man in a vehicle.

Police say the unknown man displayed a firearm during the altercation, at which point the 37-year-old drew his own gun and fired at the man, shooting him. The man was pronounced dead at the scene.

The 37-year-old acted in self-defense, according to police, who also noted that he has a valid FOID card and concealed carry permit for the state.

We don’t know the circumstances surrounding the altercation, but one thing we do know is to avoid confrontation if at all possible. A similar incident, in respect to the alley-ways and their setups in these neighborhoods, occurred not too long ago where a retired firefighter was ambushed by a suspect. Sometimes, there is no way out but to fight, and it seems that in both scenarios, this was the way to stay alive.

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