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Homeowner Fatally Shoots Man Who Broke Into His Home

MIAMI, OKLAHOMA – A suspect was shot and killed by a homeowner in the first hour of January 8th after breaking into the man’s house. Police were called to a burglary in process in the 900 block of B Street NW in Miami, Oklahoma at 12:16 a.m. Friday morning. During the call, the homeowner reported shooting an intruder in his home.

When officers arrived, the man told them that he was sitting in his living room when he heard a disturbance. The suspect was first at the back door, then moved to the windows of other rooms, forcing entry into the house through the window in a back bedroom.  The occupant stated that he feared for his life and armed himself with a shotgun. As the intruder came out of the bedroom and toward him, he fired the gun in self-defense.

The suspect, identified as Roger Nelums, 30, of Miami, was taken to Integris Miami Hospital and pronounced dead at 12:54 a.m.  A MPD spokesperson said that the incident is still under investigation and that no charges are anticipated.

While many people prefer handguns or rifles for home defense, shotguns have long been the home defense gun of choice for many people. Depending on the model and size, they can deliver the most bang for the buck. Generally speaking, shotguns are often less expensive than handguns or rifles, are easier to operate, don’t require the same level of accuracy, and deliver a devastating blow with the proper ammunition. There is typically a wider variety of ammunition available, and it is often easier to find and considerably less expensive than handgun or rifle ammo.  

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