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Father Uses Revolver To Shoot Grizzly Attacking His Son

By Dean Weingarten via The Truth About Guns

On the morning of 24 September, 2017, David Buckallew, 63, and his son, Rory, 35, wereย huntingย black bear. David was along as an observer. Only Rory carried aย rifle, aย Remingtonย model 700, semi-customized in the wildcat 6.5mm-06ย caliber. Dave carried aย Taurusย Tracker stainless steel 4 inch .44 magnum in a Montanaย Holsterย shoulder rig made by Norm Schertenleib. Rory carried aย Glockย model 20 in 10mm.

The morning was cool with a light frost in low spots at Kalispell, Montana.ย  There was little wind. Sunrise was at 7:28 local.ย  Before 9 am, the men had spotted a black bear and were attempting to get in position for a shot. They were moving through thick cover on the steep side slope east of the Hungry Horse reservoir.

Hungry Horse Reservoir

Then they heard it. A large animal was crashing through the undergrowth. It was moving along the side slope angling up the hill, above them. As it came directly above them, about 30 yards away, they could see bushes move. It changed direction and charged down the hill at them. Neither man knew what it was. It was coming directly at them. Both men fired a shot in front of the beast in an attempt to divert it or scare it off. David fired his .44 magnumย Taurus, Rory his model 700ย boltย actionย Remingtonย rifle. The animal was only 7-8 yards away, but the cover was so thick, they could not see it.

In a split second, the bear appeared as it slid to a stop only two feet from and just beyond Rory. The bear lunged at Rory, and Rory jammed theย barrelof hisย rifleย into its mouth. Then, as the bear jerked aside, he hit the bears head with theย barrel.

The bear slapped theย rifleย aside, sending it spinning out of Roryโ€™s hands. As the bear lunged for his face, Rory instinctively blocked with his right arm. The bear grabbed him by the elbow, its nose only inches from Roryโ€™s.

The bear grabbed him by the elbow, its nose only inches from Rory's.
The bear grabbed him by the elbow, its nose only inches from Roryโ€™s.ย Dave had closed to within six feet of Rory and the bear. Not wanting to hit Rory, hoping to get the bear to release his son, he shot the bear in the hip.
Dave had closed to within six feet of Rory and the bear. Not wanting to hit Rory, hoping to get the bear to release his son, he shot the bear in the hip.
It worked. The bear dropped Rory and spun toward him. His nextย roundย was meant for the bearโ€™s shoulder, but the situation was dynamic. The240-grain slug went through the bears neck.

Taurus Tracker stainless steel 4 inch .44 magnum

With the bear coming at him, its mouth was within two feet of his .44ย Tauruswhen he fired the last shot. Theย bulletย went alongside the bearโ€™s head, into its neck, penetrating the chest cavity.

Dave says he doesnโ€™t know if it was the three solid hits with a .44 magnum, or theย muzzleย blast of theย revolverย into the bearโ€™s face that turned the bear. The bear whirled downslope. It paused momentarily, 15 feet away, looking back. Then it crashed off into the brush.

Dave did not try another shot. He knew he was out ofย ammunition. He had been taught, 50 years ago, to carry aย revolverย with an empty chamber under theย hammer. In the five shotย Taurus, that left him fourย rounds.

One had been fired to try to turn the downhill charge; the other three went into the bear.

Dave asked Rory โ€œDid it get you?โ€ Rory told him yes, and it hurt. Dave was relieved not to see any arterial spurting of blood, splintered bones, or a mass of torn meat.

He told Rory hisย Taurusย was empty.

Most people in a deadly fight are not able to count their shots. Dave could, and did. Experienced shooters and hunters are often able to โ€œcall their shotsโ€, and say where each shot went. Dave told me he informed the Fish, Wildlife and Park (FWP) officers where each shot had connected, and they told him he had been within a couple of inches for all three hits.

Rory handed his father theย 10mmย Glockย to stand guard while he retrieved spare .44 magnumย ammunitionย from Daveโ€™s pack.

 American Eagle 240 grain jacketed hollow point cartridge
Rory reloaded theย Taurus. They tradedย pistols, retrieved theย rifle, and started back toward their vehicle. They kept theirย pistolsย in their hands. The shortest route would have been straight downhill, but they did not know the location of the bear. To avoid another attack, they headed back a quarter mile along the side slope, then downhill to the road in a more open area. It took them 25 minutes to reach their vehicle.

Dave drove back to Kalispell, as they came into cell phone coverage, they called Roryโ€™s wife, Kristine. They told her to call Urgent Care, so they could have Roryโ€™s wounds treated. When they got back, Kristine told them Urgent Care said it would not treat a bear attack victim. Rory would have to go to the hospital. Rory insisted on taking off hisย huntingย shirt. He left it at the house so the hospital staff would not cut it off him in treatment.

At the Kalispell hospital, one of the staff has specialized in treating bear attack victims. He treated Rory. Fortunately, no bones were broken. Dave had shot the bear off of Rory before massive damage was done to his arm. There were a couple of scrapes on Roryโ€™s shoulder from the bearโ€™s claws. The claw scrapes did not require stitches.

At the Kalispell hospital, one of the staff has specialized in treating bear attack victims.

Dave does not know who called FWP. It may have been someone at the hospital. As Rory was being treated, Dave accompanied the FWP officers back to the attack scene.ย  The FWP helicopter, Two Bear Air, arrived. By this time it was afternoon. The sun had heated the slope, so infrared detectors on the helicopter could not find the bear.

The FWP officers told Dave if he hadย bearย spray, he might have avoided having to shoot the bear. Dave noted the FWP officers were all armed withย shotgunsย and had loadedย pistolsย on their hips.ย From mt.gov: โ€œFWP would like to remind hunters and recreationists that carryingย bear sprayย is another deterrent option.โ€

Dave told me if he had spray and had sprayed the bear, he would have had to spray Rory as well. Then, if the bear turned on him, Rory would have been unable to help.

It is a reasonable assumption.ย Tom Sommers was attackedย through a cloud ofย bearย spray, three weeks earlier, near the Idaho/Montana/Wyoming border. The bear had him by the head when his friend Dan sprayed the bear again from two feet away. Sommers was blinded by the spray and the blood. When he fired hisย pistol, he could not see the bear. He missed. Whether it was the spray or the gunshot, theย bearย leftย the scene and did not attack Sommers again.

David Buckallew said โ€œI will depend on my .44 magnum.โ€

The bear never vocalized during the attack. Dave said you could hear the loud breath of the bear, but there were no warning growls, or other sounds from the bear.

FWP found the dead bear the next day. It was a 12-year-old dry sow. It was not lactating and did not have youngย cubs. It was about 250 lbs, and in good shape. 250 lbs is a reasonable weight for an adult sow grizzly in the mountains. The bear did not have any tags, or previous history of aggressive encounters with humans. Unprovoked grizzly attacks have been noted throughout the history of grizzly bears.ย  The current fad is to always assign a human motivation.

Dave and Rory never heard or saw any other bear near them. There is no evidence that any cub, or yearling grizzly, was nearby. The sowโ€™s body was found about 50 yards from the attack location.

In the fall, bears feel a tremendous urge to eat and put on weight for the winter hibernation.ย Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenardย were killed in an unprovoked grizzly attack in Alaska on October 6th, 2003. They did not have a .44 magnum. Neither survived.

ยฉ2017 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included.ย Link to Gun Watch

About Dean Weingarten:

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, aย militaryย officer, was on the University of Wisconsinย Pistolย Team for four years, and was first certified to teachย firearmsย safety in 1973. He taught the Arizonaย concealed carryย course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department ofย Defenseย after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

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