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Teen Put In Choke Hold, Passes Out, Robber Gets Away: Why Situational Awareness Is So Important

This video is hard to watch, and angers me to see what bad people will do.

A teenager in Mexico City is seen on surveillance video walking to a building, with the intention of walking inside. She doesn’t get there as planned, and instead has a man come up behind her while she’s buried in her phone.

He quickly puts her in a choke hold and after just a few seconds, she’s out like a light. He grabs her phone and runs off.

Another man inside the building sees what happened and tries to go after the guy, but with no success. He comes back to help the girl who is slowly regaining consciousness.

During your typical day, how many people do you see out in public who are buried in their phones? How many times do you, yourself, do this? Being aware of what’s going on around us, and who is around us, is an important survival technique that cannot be overlooked.

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