
Apple Security Official Allegedly Traded $70k In iPads For 4 Concealed Carry Permits That Were Withheld From Apple Employees

SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA — The ‘pay to play’ world of concealed carry permits in Santa Clara County has made front page news on Google, when an Apple security official was indicted after allegedly donating $70,000 in iPads to the Sheriff’s office in exchange for 4 concealed carry permits for Apple employees.

The head of global security for Apple is among the new defendants in a scheme in which coveted concealed-weapons were issued by the Santa Clara County sheriff’s office in exchange for political donations, investigators said Monday.

Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen said undersheriff Rick Sung and sheriff’s Capt. James Jensen withheld four gun permits for Apple employees until security official Thomas Moyer promised to donate 200 iPads worth $70,000.

via ktuv.com

If you think it’s the first time something like this has happened with this office, it’s not.

Investigators said the sheriff’s officials also withheld a gun license for insurance broker Harpreet Chadha until Chadha promised to provide luxury box-seat tickets worth $6,000 for a San Jose Sharks game on Valentine’s Day 2019.

If you’ve got the money, then you’ve got the right to protect yourself with a firearm while out and about.

If not, well, you’re out of luck.

Earlier this year, when riots were in full swing, we did a piece out of the same county that discussed the possibility of lethal self-defense against rioters attacking vehicles on the highway.

As that article came together, we uncovered some information about concealed carry permits in the county:

Since 2013, Santa Clara County has issued or renewed a total of 150 concealed carry permits. The County population is just shy of 2 million residents. The numbers aren’t low because people don’t want the permits, rather they’re low because the Sheriff doesn’t issue them unless you’re ‘special’.


Is this how public officials should handle concealed carry permits? Of course not. While their attorneys state that their clients did nothing wrong, someone obviously did something wrong. You can’t choose favorites based on the dollars that flow through the door when it comes to a *cough* permitted right *cough*, and hold someone like Moyer as more important than the average American looking to defend themselves.

Yet, money talks, and will continue to make people corrupt.

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