
Video Showing The Shooting Of 2 Tulsa Police Officers Released

By Dan Zimmerman via TTAG

Early on the morning of June 29, two Tulsa police officers stopped David Ware as he was driving his vehicle. Ware refused to get out of his car and was eventually pepper sprayed. But as the officers attempted to get Ware out of his car, they struggled. Ware then produced a handgun and shot both officers.

Read our initial post on the incident here.

Sergeant Craig Johnson died of a gunshot wound to the head. Officer Aurash Zarkeshan is recovering from his wounds.

Courtesy Tulsa Police Department

Monday, a judge ordered the release of bodycam video of the incident. Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum issued the following statement:

Here’s the video of the attempted arrest and shooting (possibly NSFW):

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