
Entire Buffalo Police Squad Resigns Because Of “The Treatment Of Two Of Their Members” After Yesterday’s Incident

Tensions are high all over the Country. That’s something we can all agree on. Yesterday, tensions got even higher in NY after an incident involving a group of police officers and a 75-year-old man.

Here’s what happened. Be advised the video below is graphic.

Shortly after, the Buffalo Police stated that the man had ‘tripped’. Not too long after that, the video above was viewed my 10s of millions of people, and the department issued the following statement on social media:

Today, we are learning that the entire squad has resigned, for a total of 57.

“Fifty-seven resigned in disgust because of the treatment of two of their members, who were simply executing orders,” said John Evans, PBA president.

The two officers who were involved in the incident had been suspended without pay, pending an internal investigation.

A debate has been sparked, with one side saying the police shouldn’t have pushed him, and the other saying the man shouldn’t have approached them.

Further, video taken at the scene prior to the incident apparently shows the same man talking with protesters and telling them he was there “to have some fun.”

Even if he were there to stir things up, I can’t see how he was a threat to an extremely large group of armed officers.

Last I heard, he was in serious but stable condition at the hospital. One thing is for sure, though; his life is never going to be the same.

Chime in with your thoughts.

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