[NSFW] Man Shot On Sidewalk, Other Plays Dead And Makes Escape

This video is both disturbing and amazing based on the element you’re discussing.

It happened one night on the sidewalk, and shows a group of people hanging out outside a store. A man comes into frame at the top right and holds a gun up.

He fires on one man, sending him to the ground and killing him.

He then fires on another man, sending him to the ground as well.

While watching the video, I was wondering why it was still playing after the second man was shot. What was about to happen?

Then, that second man who we thought was dead also, stands up and walks away. He was playing dead so the suspect would think he’s done the job he set out to do.

This is a a graphic video, so please proceed with caution.

It would seem that playing dead saved this man’s life. Once he thought the threat had gone, he got up and got out of harms way.

Sometimes, these types of actions are what saves lives. You do what you have to in order to survive, and that’s exactly what happened here.

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