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Irresponsible Gun Owner Takes A Shot At Unarmed 14-Year-Old Kid Who Was Lost, Now Serving 2 to 10 Years

Can the actions of one single gun owner change people’s views on guns? You betcha. This is one of those cases, although rare, that do take place where we see a gun owner doing the exact opposite of what’s expected of a law-abiding gun owner.

Here’s the short story:

A 14-year-old kid had walked up to a home after he missed his bus and forgot to bring his cell phone. The reason for going to the house? He was a little lost after trying to talk to school and was looking for directions.

The wife at the home had alerted her husband after yelling at the teen, asking him why he’s breaking into the home. The husband wakes up from a deep sleep, grabs his gun and heads for the front door. Seeing this, the teen takes off.

The husband is seen on camera going outside and taking a shot at the teen as he was running for his life. Now, this man has been sentenced to 2 to 10 years for his actions.

The teen, luckily, was not injured.

Watch the surveillance video below. On a scale of 1 to 10, how irresponsible is this (ex) gun owner?

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