
1 Million+ Magazines Sent To California During Freedom Week

By John Boch via TTAG

One million magazines. That’s how many standard capacity feeding devices Golden State residents bought during the one week when sales become legal in California recently.

Reportedly a pallet of Magpul P-Mags for America’s favorite rifle, the AR-15, tallies up to 3,000 magazines.  So a million magazines represents… a lot of pallets. In simpler terms, many semi-truck loads of freedom pellet dispensers flooded into California to feed the demand from good guys and gals.

The UK Daily Mail reports what the CBS Evening News will not:

More than a million high-capacity ammunition magazines flooded into California during a one-week window created when a federal judge temporarily threw out the state’s ban, gun owners’ groups estimated on Thursday.

Reform groups said the projections are self-serving as gun rights organizations try to make the case that magazines holding more than 10 bullets are so common now that a ban is impractical.

The magazines aren’t tracked. But there are plenty of anecdotal evidence that the floodgates briefly opened when US District Judge Roger Benitez overturned the state’s nearly 20-year-old ban late last month.

The judge halted sales a week later, but ruled that those who bought the magazines can legally own them while the state appeals his ruling.

‘Everything was all sold out. I basically took whatever I could get,’ said Chris Puehse, who owns Foothill Ammo in Shingle Springs, east of Sacramento.

Oh, it gets even better.

He fielded dozens of telephone calls while buyers stacked up 20 deep in his one-man store to buy the hundreds of magazines that arrived in two shipments last week. He had just six left by the time Benitez reinstated the ban last Friday.

‘People loved it. It was like we were out of prison and were not treated like bastard stepchildren of the country anymore,’ he said.

“It was like we were out of prison and were not treated like bastard stepchildren of the country anymore.”

Well said, sir.

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