McAllen, TX Mall Robbery Mystery Man: Armed Citizen or Plain Clothes Cop?

In a video of the attempted armed robbery of a McAllen, Texas mall jewelry store, the seven suspects were captured by three armed people. One of them, in a uniform, is said to be a police officer working mall security. Another, in a red shirt, is reported to be a citizen with a Texas license to carry. The third, showing a badge in his left hand, appears to be another police officer.

According to, the red-shirted man was a plain clothes police officer.

A plain clothes police officer then arrived (in red) and cornered the thieves in the store. …

Two plain clothes officers followed with their own weapons. The thieves retreated at the sight of them and backed further into the store, out of view.

Maybe our British friends can’t conceive of a armed citizen coming to the aid of police officers in a dangerous situation.

Fox says armed citizen with a carry permit. The Daily Mail says plain clothes cop. Which is correct?

You can’t tell from the video, but he does use good tactics. If anyone has information as to which news item is correct, we would like to know.

©2018 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.

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