Update On New York State Non-Resident Permit: It’s Official. Officially.

In early June, I let you all know about my journey to receive a concealed carry permit in New York State. As a non-resident. That doesn’t happen often, so I’m told, but I needed to try and make it happen.

Early June was the first article describing this journey. Take a look at it here.

A few weeks later, I got confirmation that my permit was valid. Take a look at it here.

Then a few more weeks went by and I received my new permit in the mail, but Albany County threw me an unexpected curve ball. Take a look at it here.

After all of that, here we are today with an update. Hopefully, a final update.

I received my new-new permit in the mail yesterday along with a letter explaining what had happened with the restrictions being placed back on the permit. In short, it seems that the ‘helper’ had accidentally put down that my original permit had restrictions. It did not.

So here we are with an actual, legitimate, authentic New York State Non-Resident Concealed Carry Permit without restrictions. Or, what I like to call, a 2A Unicorn.

The letter that was along with the permit was written by the Deputy County Clerk, and she explained what had happened. I gave her a call to clarify everything, and to make sure that I was understanding the process completely.

Someone who was helping her with permits had missed that I had an unrestricted permit when looking in the system. Then, this information was passed to the judge who signed off on everything and as a result, said that the permit had restrictions.

Everyone at this particular clerk’s office, in Albany County, has always been very helpful with any questions I’ve had over the years pertaining to the permits.

I was hoping that Albany County Judges were not using the SAFE Act as an excuse to place restrictions back on previously unrestricted permits, and I am happy to report that this does not seem to be the case.

For those unfamiliar, New York State gives localities the option to place restrictions on concealed carry permits. These restrictions are usually in the form of Hunting & Target Only, which translates to only being able to carry your firearm while going to and from either hunting or target shooting. While these restrictions are exclusively administrative and hold no legal weight, any carrier with restrictions will always run the risk of losing their permit altogether if they are found to be carrying at any other time.

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