
Andrew Cuomo’s New Book: All Things Possible; Including The Worst Book Reviews In History

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s new book came out yesterday titled All Things Possible: Setbacks and Success in Politics and Life. While it’s only been out for a day, and hardly anyone has read it, it’s managed to receive over 180 reviews so far (and counting).

Here is the description of the book, and what you can apparently expect if you actually purchased it to read it and not use it to start fires this winter, or to level out your wobbly table:

In this full and frank memoir—a personal story of duty, family, justice, politics and resilience—New York Governor Andrew Cuomo reflects on his rise, fall, and rise in politics, and recounts his defining personal and political moments and tough but necessary lessons he has learned along the way.

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This is great, because I would actually love to hear what he has learned throughout his time in politics, especially anything he’s learned since enacting the NY SAFE Act. I doubt it’s even mentioned. However if it is, I’m sure it says something along the lines of “The majority of NYers are satisfied with the SAFE Act, blah blah, blah blah blah lies.”

Without further adieu, let’s take a look at some of the reviews which may shed some light on how the public sees NY’s Governor. These are just a few that I picked out of a whole slew of others. For the full list, click here. It’s growing by the minute.

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And my personal favorites:

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These reviews are a positive sign of just how fed up New Yorkers are with their Governor. The only thing I hope for is that they remain this passionate when the time comes to vote in the elections next month. Your dissatisfaction means nothing when you don’t vote.

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