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Estranged Husband Shot After Confronting Man in Wife’s House

SHREVEPORT, LA — One estranged husband’s home invasion turned into a near-deadly encounter when he encountered his wife’s “friend” staying overnight.

He didn’t bring a gun with him, he was just angry. His wife’s “friend,” however, was packing heat.

As KSLA reports:

Police say 31-year-old Jock Hines was shot once in his abdomen just before 5 a.m.

Investigators think he removed a window air conditioner to get into his estranged wife’s residence in the 2900 block of Amherst Street. Hines allegedly then entered the room where she and her friend were sleeping and began chasing the man.

When caught by Hines, the man reportedly pulled out a handgun and shot Hines once. Authorities said the gunshot wound did not appear to be life-threatening.

Crimes in the area are reportedly commonplace. Other members of the neighborhood complained of constant violence, and one family is even planning on leaving for that exact reason.

Gunfire such as that is not new to the neighborhood, said Tynekqua “Nene” Warren, who lives just down the street. And Warren said each time she hears gunshots, she has the same thought. “That we need to leave like now. Get out of here.”

In fact, Warren said, they’re moving in the next month to someplace a bit safer.

“I don’t like to be out all the time. I don’t come out at dark for sure. During the day, when it’s hot, I’m out here. But when it cools down, I’m in the house.”

Warren is not alone. But that has not stopped Donna Anstead from living in the 2900 block of Amherst for the past 25 years.

“My house is paid for; I’m not going anywhere.”

One more thing to note here is a problem that many people may have in older houses or houses in generally colder areas: window AC units can be an area of vulnerability when it comes to home security. Take a look at this article from Protect America offering ideas on how to minimize that risk.

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