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Voice Of A Hero: “I Need Everybody I Got” Officer Says Moments Before Taking Out Texas Mall Gunman

In new audio released from a police scanner, the hero officer who stopped yesterday’s gunman in Allen, TX is heard calling for help. “I need everybody I got”, he says over his radio, moments after realizing the scope of what was unfolding before his eyes.

Roughly 2 minutes later, he comes on the radio again, this time with a victory. “I got him down.”

For a person to move towards a situation that could end their life, in an effort to save others, is nothing short of heroic. This unnamed officer saved countless lives, because pictures and video of the deceased suspect seem to suggest he was just getting started, based on the amount of magazines he had strapped to his body.

The shooting took the lives of 8 people and injured 7 others. Children were among the victims of this horrendous crime.

Police have yet to release information about the suspect.

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