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Thug Threatening Family Fatally Wounded by Armed, Enraged Man

STOCKTON, CA — A man who broke and entered the home of a Stockton family was shocked to find that doing so was the last mistake he would ever make, KCRA 3 reports.

He was shot by the homeowner after the intruder threatened his family. I can’t say I blame the homeowner one bit.

He was taken to the local hospital for treatment, but he passed away from his wounds.

The death of anyone is tragic — even the bad guy, if for no other reason than recognizing the waste of life that is now gone.

But if a man barges into one’s home and threatens the lives of an innocent family — yeah, he’s got to go.

As KCRA 3 reports:

A man who broke into a home in Stockton Saturday morning is dead after a resident shot him, the Stockton Police Department said. Officers arrived at the home on South Monroe Street at 8:15 a.m., police said. The resident of the home shot a man who broke into his home and made threats to his family, police said. He was transported to a hospital but did not survive.

Stockton police said the incident appears to be a justifiable self-defense homicide, and it remains under investigation. No further details were released.

It’s always nice to see some justice take place with our friends in California, where remains almost a comical task to affirm some of the most basics rights that we as Americans have.

It just serves as a reminder — no matter where you are, whether it’s California, New York, Chicago, or Kennesaw, Georgia, do whatever you need to do (legally, of course) to obtain and gain proficiency with a self-defense firearm.

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