Question of the day: Do You Alternate Holsters?

The concealed carry universe isn’t short on one thing: Holsters. They’re everywhere. So many companies are out there that make a (usually) nice little setup for your favorite concealed carry firearm.

With so many choices, chances are you’ve got yourself a few. At least.

Some are acquired through trial and error while others just look like something we want. So, we buy. Many people haven’t found the ‘perfect’ holster, but those people likely have more than one.

But, are they relied upon?

So the question today: If you have multiple holsters, do you use multiple holsters? As in, a few days you use Holster A and a few days you use Holster B.

This, of course, is talking about the same firearm. There’s no doubt that you have multiple holsters because you have multiple firearms.

Stick to this question: Do you rotate multiple holsters for a single firearm?

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