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FL Uber Driver Shoots Customer After Being Punched In The Face

SARASOTA, FLORIDA — An Uber driver is thankful to have had his firearm with him while transporting a couple to their destination, after the man riding in the car began causing problems that ultimately led to a shot fired.

The driver picked up two people and were driving them to their desired destination. During the trip, the male passenger was arguing with the female passenger and things began to escalate. That male passenger, identified by police as 32-year-old Geoffrey C. Ruscher, was asked to get out of the vehicle by the driver who had pulled over.

Ruscher got out of the vehicle and started to walk away. At this point, the driver asked the woman if she wanted to continue onto the destination, or if she wanted to stay with Ruscher. During this time, Ruscher walked back to the vehicle in an aggressive manner and began to threaten the driver.

That’s when the driver had no choice but to draw his firearm;

The driver pulled out his gun, but before raising it tried to push Ruscher away repeatedly, even punching his shoulder in an effort to get away, before Ruscher punched him in the face.

The driver then raised his gun, pointed it at Ruscher and warned Ruscher to back up as he moved away, according to the sheriff’s office.

But Ruscher continued to threaten the driver, even saying “I’ll (expletive) kill you, I don’t care. I’m not scared of you,” at one point and refusing to back down. Witnesses confirmed to deputies that Ruscher was the aggressor in the confrontation, according to the sheriff’s office.

The next move was the driver firing a single shot into Ruscher’s leg and then immediately calling 911. During the investigation, it was determined that the driver acted in self-defense and will not face any charges. It was also noted that police returned the driver’s firearm to him immediately after their investigation was complete.

As for being an Uber driver, this man may need to find a new source of income, because Uber has a strict policy of no firearms. In other words, they prefer their drivers to be vulnerable.

Uber drivers have been fired in the past for carrying a firearm while on the job. I wouldn’t be surprised if this driver was also let go for lawfully defending himself.

And let’s take this opportunity to remind Uber that, not too long ago, one of their drivers stopped an attempted mass shooting with his firearm while on the job.

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