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Woman Defends Herself With Handgun After Home Intruder Comes Back For More

CASTAIC, CA — A man who attempted to break into a California home twice went down with a bullet in the chest after the female occupant refused to be a victim, KHTS reports.

According to the station, a Castaic woman noticed a man trying to force entry into her home at around 2 a.m the morning of June 26.

Startled, she fled the residence and called 911. However, she saw the burglar leave the home, so she returned. She barricaded the front door.

But the burglar wasn’t looking to come back in through the front door.

The suspect broke into the home through the back door — his high card to play for the evening.

It wasn’t enough, because the woman was armed, this time.

She shot the suspect in the chest, and held him in custody until emergency services arrived.

The suspect, who was not identified by KHTS, was taken to the hospital, where he was listed in fair condition and charged with burglary.

Always good to hear about our responsibly-armed friends in California. What’s more, check out this note by KHTS:

Neighbors in the remote canyon, who did not wish to give their names, said they were not surprised the homeowner got the upper hand, saying Sheriff’s deputies response times to the area were not as quick as other areas, and residents are prepared for anything that could happen in that time.

Right on.

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