
Bill To Slash Gun License Fees Hits TX Governor’s Desk

AUSTIN, TX — A major win for fans of the Second Amendment is seemingly just a hair’s breadth away as a bill seeking to enable responsibly-armed citizens easier carry capabilities sits on Republican Governor Greg Abbott’s desk.

The bill, Senate Bill 16, would drop the first-time licensing fee for carrying from $140 an incredible $100 to $40, and would drop the renewal fee, which is currently $70, down to $40, as well, according to The Texas Tribune.

As the bill’s author, State Senator Robert Nichols explains it, the lowered cost will go to covering the administration of the licensing program and the cost of state and federal background checks.

You know, the stuff it should have been going to in the first place.

The bill was sent to the governor’s office Monday, and given Abbott’s strong conservative record, it would be surprising if he didn’t leap at the opportunity to reinforce Second Amendment rights.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick seemed to agree.

He said of the issue: “No Texan should be deprived of their right to self-protection because of onerous licensing fees imposed by the state,” according to The Texas Tribune.

The signing of the bill into law would not be without consequence for the state: “Reducing the fee would cost the state roughly $12.6 million in 2018,” according to The Texas Tribune, but the fact is — it’s worth it.

That’s not a source of revenue the state needs to have, and we couldn’t be more happy for our Concealed Nation fans down in Texas.

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