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Bad Guys Break Into Car, Owner Stops Them At Gunpoint, Bad Guys Threaten To Call Police, LOL

COTTON WOOD HEIGHTS, UTAH — A local man helped police identify and arrest several suspects connected to a string of car robberies. The men responsible are believed to have participated in as many as a dozen separate events. When the homeowner heard a disturbance outside his home, he got his gun and confronted the thieves.

via FOX 13 NOW News

“A homeowner was awakened by a noise in his driveway, walked out and saw two guys burglarizing his vehicle, confronted them with his weapon, and held them at bay,” said Chief Robby Russo with Cottonwood Heights Police. “The bad guys threatened to call the police on him, and he said, ‘That’s great, I already called them‘ and just then the officer is driving down the street–they take off running.”

One of the police officers responding to the scene tackled 33 year old Greg Allred. His accomplice managed to escape but his identity is known and they are seeking to apprehend him at present.

It takes a lot of courage to head out in the wee hours of the morning and face down two potentially violent robbers. Thanks to this homeowner and the police, quite a few items of value were recovered from the vehicle of the robbers. Police say they will be returning those items soon pending the completion of the investigation.

This is another great example of a law-abiding concealed carrier taking responsible action to stop crime in his neighborhood. He called police, alerted them to the crime in progress, and then confronted the thieves without firing a single shot.

The thieves were so stupid as to think the police would offer them any degree of protection from the man. That’s just hilarious to think about.

Responsible gun ownership can also include being a good steward to your community. Even if you don’t feel comfortable heading out at 4 a.m. to confront some car thieves, you can still do the right thing by calling police and being a good witness.

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