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New Hampshire Is Now Constitutional Carry

CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE — The Governor of NH signed his first bill Wednesday, and it’s nothing other than Constitutional Carry for his state. The previous Governor would veto the bill every time it landed on her desk.

“It is common-sense legislation,” he said during a ceremony in Executive Council chambers. “This is about making sure that our laws on our books are keeping people safe while remaining true to the live-free-or-die spirit.”

Prior to this law, New Hampshire already allowed the open carry of firearms. For concealed, a permit was required.

From the Governor’s website:

Governor Chris Sununu today signed Senate Bill 12, Constitutional Carry legislation, into law. Governor Sununu was joined by sponsors of the legislation and delivered the following statement:

“SB 12 ensures New Hampshire citizens are guaranteed the fundamental right to carry a firearm in defense of themselves and their families, as prescribed by Article 2a of our state constitution,” said Governor Chris Sununu. “This common sense legislation aligns our concealed carry laws with that of our neighboring states of Vermont and Maine and states across the country. This is about safety. This is about making sure that the laws on our books are keeping people safe while remaining true to the Live Free or Die spirit that makes New Hampshire the great state that it is. This is a commitment I made to the people of New Hampshire and I am proud today to fulfill that commitment, signing SB12 into law.”

Under this new law, any law-abiding citizen can carry a concealed firearm and while a permit is no longer required, the permitting process will still remain intact. Why? To allow people access to the permits who want to carry in states that recognize the New Hampshire permit.


This brings the total to 13 states that have some form of permitless carry. Other states are discussing the passage of similar legislation and with Republican control now in many states, we anticipate this becoming a reality in a few more.

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