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Bad Guy Just Got Out From Prison For Armed Robbery, Decides To Go Rob Some More — Sorry, But This Homeowner Is Armed, Too!

SARASOTA, FLORIDA — Fresh out on the street after doing 10 years for armed robbery and carjacking, Glenn Edward Oliver, 30, decided it would be a good idea to try again. Second time’s the charm, right?

And it almost went off without a hitch until the homeowner got home with his family and realized someone had broken in.

According to WTSP News 10, the homeowner returned home with his family after being away. They entered the premise and he was attacked by the burglar. The burglar then scattered to the homeowner’s bedroom and retrieved a baseball bat. That’s when the man drew his gun and shot the intruder.

The intruder died at the scene.

Once police identified Oliver, they discovered he had just been released from prison. He likely broke in through a window and was in the people’s home for some time before they walked back in through their own front door.

The homeowner won’t face any charges on account that the shooting was done in self-defense and on his property. That’s covered under Florida’s strong Castle Doctrine laws.

It’s yet another situation where a person has to be ready at all times. If the homeowner had left his gun in the bedroom while him and his family had been away, he could have faced an equally armed intruder. Thankfully, he carried his gun on him — like he should and like we all should.

And, sadly, it’s yet another example of a bad guy getting out of prison and going right back to acting the bad guy again. To think, ten years is A LOT of time for a felon to think about the crimes that got him incarcerated. To get back out on the streets and swoop back into a profession that obviously failed him the first time? Don’t know what to say about that.

But when it came to defending himself, that homeowner didn’t have any options other than to use his gun. If he was initially assaulted by Oliver and then Oliver went to get a bat, do any of us think that Oliver didn’t have every intention of severely harming or even killing him in front of his very own family?

That’s why we can’t afford to take chances. Not only is it our home and our lives on the line — it’s also every person that depends upon us to live. That’s a heavy burden but it’s one every concealed carrier ought take seriously.

Glad to see this homeowner prevailed. Keep that gun on you. You never know what may happen.

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