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Home Intruder Leaves With Less Than He Came With After Teen Holds Him At Gun Point

LAUREL COUNTY, KENTUCKY — One home intruder got precisely zero respect after he was discovered in the home armed with a knife. A teenager armed with a gun held him at gunpoint and had him drop the knife and remove his shirt and shoes. Police then say the teen let the home intruder flee.

As Rodney Dangerfield once said, “I get no respect!”

Police have identified 29-year-old Thomas Scott as the suspected burglar, according to WKYT. Thomas Scott is still at large. It is believed he staked out the home believing another person lived there.

The teenager gave an interview for local news WVLT-TV where he said Scott called out for a ‘Hank’ person that he is unfamiliar with.

“I was holding [the gun] by the door so he couldn’t see it. He was standing in the hallway with a knife. I told him to drop the knife and he told me he wouldn’t and that’s when I pulled the gun on him.”

When he came out and told Scott to drop the knife, Scott said he wouldn’t. When Scott saw the gun, however, he realized his options were pretty limited.

“He kind of just backed up and then he hit the couch and that’s when he just kind of threw everything down on the couch.”

This is a situation that could have easily lead to bloodshed. Obviously, Scott was looking for someone not living at that residence and intended violence. The home that he broke into only had a single teenager there to defend himself. Scott didn’t back down when he encountered someone other than his intended victim. This let’s us know he had a capacity and a willing intent to inflict violence on other parties in lieu of his intended victim.

Thankfully, there was a teenager with a gun who had the sense to use it and use it properly.

Families depend upon one another to survive. The more people in that home that are competent in the use of firearms, the more guns you have pointed in the right direction when bad guys come crawling around.

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