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Victim’s Son Shoots Home Invader And Holds Him At Gunpoint

MANSFIELD, OHIO — Definitely a case of home defense, a son was able to come to the aid of his mother after three home invaders threatened her well-being. The son shot one of the assailants and kept his gun on him until police arrived. The other two suspects managed to escape but descriptions were given to police.

According to FOX 8, drugs and other evidence were accrued at the scene so the motive for the three home invaders may be called into question but police are still searching for them with the intention of charging them with their crime.

Criminals definitely love robbing other criminals. The thought process, I imagine, is who are you going to go to if you’re breaking the law? The police placed the focus on the actual home invasion portion of this event because, ultimately, no one wins the magic right to break into a person’s home and threaten a life.

Who knows the circumstances or background of this story? That’s well outside the scope of this article. What we do see is a successful home defense situation where deadly force was used in a legitimate fashion to stop a violent felony from persisting.

So, not only does it look like criminals have to fear a good guy with a gun, they may also have to fear from other criminals.

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