
Was The Facebook Private Gun Sale Ban A Result Of White House Pressure?

By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns

“The White House on Monday refused to say whether Facebook’s recent decision to ban users from facilitating the sale of guns, parts and ammunition was the result of pressure from the Obama administration,” washingtonexaminer.com reports. “‘We welcome this step,’ White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Monday, just days after Facebook’s Friday announcement. ‘We talked about how the Internet is a loophole’ for people seeking to buy guns without undergoing background checks.’” Talked to whom, exactly? By the administration’s own admission . . .

The administration has met with social media and technology companies to discuss how to close the “Internet loophole” on gun sales, but Earnest said he “could not say” if Facebook’s decision was the result of “any specific request” from anyone in the administration.

How about a general request?

We know that White House big wigs (Attorney General Loretta Lynch, FBI Director James Comey, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper) met with reps from Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, and YouTube in early January to discuss ways to “disrupt” terrorist Internet activity. [Click here for that meeting’s agenda.]

Did private gun sales come up? Or was that a separate discussion? In any case, it’s clear that the Obama administration has an anti-gun agenda and doesn’t mind working outside the bounds of Congressional authority to get it done. You know, if it hasn’t already.

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