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Black Friday Breaks Records… With 185K Gun Background Checks

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System confirmed 185,345 requests on Nov. 27, also known this year as ‘Black Friday’.  USA Today reported that the sales figures are up from prior years and also noted other sales spikes occurring after reported mass shootings.

via USA Today

“This was an approximate 5% increase over the 175,754 received on Black Friday 2014,” wrote Stephen Fischer, the FBI’s chief of multimedia productions. “The previous high for receipts were the 177,170 received on 12/21/2012.”

It’s no surprise that the two biggest driving indicators for gun sales have been the publicized instability resulting from a mass shooting event — of which, there has currently been 352 if a poorly cited database is to be believed — and the holiday season.

Two points.

One.  We live in some absolutely insane times.  That’s just editorial opinion and backed by absolutely nothing.  According to the FBI, overall crime is down and gun violence is — despite the media hypedown.chart500

Thus, the reality is that mass shootings are not — in of themselves — indicative of an elevated crime rate.  They’re isolated occurrences that garner A LOT of media attention and the hype train, choo choo, that comes along with it.

This makes people re-evaluate their own safety and security.  Purchasing a gun or additional training are both good steps towards that.

Two.  If you’re going to buy someone a present this holiday season, it may as well be something they can use.  A firearm, holster, extra magazines, laser sights, scopes… These all fall within the gamut of products concealed carriers will use, in some capacity, every day.

If You Bought A Gun This Christmas, Consider These As Well

A gun is the perfect gift because it’s something that can be practiced with and honed into a very effective self-defense tool.  But a gun subtracted from a competent shooter or the proper equipment is altogether worthless.  People will spend upwards of thousands of dollars getting a highly customized firearm for someone (or themselves, let’s not lie now) but will neglect to pursue the proper training and equipment to compliment it.

Training certificates

A lot of instructors and advanced pistol courses will offer gift certificates to allow people to purchase training at a later time.  This is a wonderful gift and if it’s used, will actually work well alongside that new firearm purchase.


Obviously, we’re a concealed carry site so our predominant focus is on holsters that fit well hidden on the body.  Some people don’t want to roll like that.  Needless to say, if you’re going to throw down ~$600, consider throwing 10% more of that towards a holster that’s safe, reliable, and retains the handgun well.

Extra magazines

One is done, two is okay, and three is better.  If you bought a used gun for someone, it may not come with a spare magazine.  For both training and day-to-day operations, a spare magazine can be invaluable.  Training-wise, it’s ideal to have three magazines.  So even if you can’t afford to get that special someone another firearm for Christmas or the holidays, you probably can get him or her a spare magazine.

Firearm cleaning equipment

It’s hilarious how many people will go all out on a new gun and neglect to pick up weapons cleaning lubricant, bore brushes, and the other essentials for routine maintenance.  These items will make the sort of stocking stuffers that people will inevitably thank you for later.

So, obviously, a lot of Americans are going out and purchasing firearms-related equipment and materials for their loved ones.  Good on them and good on you if it applies.  Make sure while you’re out there to also consider the little needs that don’t get as much attention as that brand new, shiny handgun.

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