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Senior Citizen Scares Off Burglar With .357 Magnum

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO — Detectives are still following up on a case where a 90-year-old man thwarted an attempted burglary by shooting in the direction of where the burglar was trying to break-in.

According to Youngstown’s The Vindicator, around midnight the senior citizen heard the sound of glass breaking on his front porch.  Shortly afterwards, he heard knocking on his door.  Realizing this wasn’t Edgar Allen Poe’s poetry in motion, he grabbed his handgun but did not answer the door.  Yet more rapping, rapping on his back door.

It was following this rapping, though, that the would-be burglar decided he couldn’t wait any longer and broke the glass on a porch window.  The homeowner levelled his .357 Magnum and let off one round in the direction of the robber.  The robber decided to immediately beat feet – his whereabouts and identity completely unknown.  It’s likely that robber will be returning nevermore.

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