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Guy Uses Firearm In Self Defense Against Family Member At BBQ Just Days After He Began Carrying

Kansas is now a constitutional carry state, but you have to be at least 21 years old. Reddit user pfe23 shared his scary ordeal earlier today, where he was forced to draw his firearm on a troubled family member.

The user describes the entire incident, and points out that he has only been carrying for a few days… since he turned 21 just last week.

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Read the story on Reddit here

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Did he handle this situation correctly? I’d say so. Luckily for him, Kansas allowed him –based on constitutional carry– to defend himself against threats such as this. Had he lived in a state that issued permits, he would likely still be waiting for that permit. And he also might be dead because of it.

It’s not the first time constitutional carry in Kansas has been used in self-defense, and it certainly won’t be the last.

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