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Why DC Concealed Carry Applications Tripled In One Month

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA — According to FOX News, concealed carry applications in the District of Columbia more than tripled after its “good reason” clause was ruled unconstitutional.  When D.C. first offered an application process for residents to obtain a concealed carry firearms permit, the chief of police reported only 45 applicants between January 1 and May 18.

Of those initial 45 applicants, Sean Conboy of the Metropolitan Police Department said that 26 had been approved.  Many were reportedly denied due to the “good reason” clause.  The “good reason” clause, written into the concealed carry permitting regulations imposed by the chief of police, specified an applicant needed to prove fear of life and property.

On May 18, Federal Judge Frank Scullin, Jr., ruled such a clause unconstitutional.  Immediately, the flood gates opened.  Applicants began pouring in from May 19 until June 26 where the Circuit Court of Appeals allowed a stay on Scullin’s ruling.  This is expected to be a temporary measure until the appeals can be heard.

D.C. Chief Of Police Redoubles Efforts To Suppress Gun Rights

According to the FOX news article, the DC chief of police thinks that a lack of applications must indicate a lack of interest.  This was said, of course, prior Justice Scullin’s ruling.  It nevertheless demonstrates a severe lack of connection with her own community.

via FOX News

Cathy Lanier, the chief of the MPD, argued at the time of the ruling that DC residents did not want to carry firearms because few people had applied for permits. “We haven’t had a huge number of applicants,” she told NewsTalk with Bruce Depuyt. “Our residents have been pretty clear this is not something that they wanted. A very small number of D.C. residents have applied for concealed carry.”

Could it be that residents were afraid of the same thing that happens when a California resident tries to apply for his concealed carry permit?  In both some parts of California and the entirety of the District Columbia require residents to demonstrate need for a concealed firearm.  This often leads to troubling rejection.

And in the case of the 146 DC applicants who filed following Justice Scullin’s ruling, it was justified.  Only 11 have been approved.  That means 135 DC residents now have a “denied” strike against them should they ever apply again.

That’s like Kim Jong-Un saying his people have made it clear they don’t want food.  Were they ever given the option?

The Second Amendment Foundation Is Fighting Appeal

As 3 Dog from Fallout would likely say, “the Second Amendment Foundation is fighting the good fight.”

As many know from reading our previous article, there was an appeal to stay Justice Scullin’s ruling.  That means DC residents are stuck in limbo until the appeals case is over.  Thankfully, non-profit organizations such as the Second Amendment Foundation have stepped up to provide legal counsel and support to fight this appeal.

“Good reason” is unconstitutional.  It’s subjective.  And it’s an illegal hold over a law abiding citizen’s right to bear arms.  We don’t expect that after the appeal is through that city politicians won’t try to throw another wrench in the works.

It’s a shame.  Tens of thousands of law abiding citizens that are simply seeking the right to protect themselves.  Why is one non-elected official allowed to single-handedly stop that?

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