“I’m Driving From Texas To California And Have My CHL. Can I Bring My Gun With Me To CA?” HA! LOLZZZZZZ

While I’m not laughing at the reader who sent in this question, I am laughing at the ridiculousness of California gun laws, and how they treat visitors (not to mention their own residents).

Here’s what reader Chrissy asked:

Guys and gals, I am going on a long trip from Texas to California, I have a CHL, can I bring my gun if I’m diving.

The sad reality is this: California does not recognize concealed carry permits from any other state. At all. Ever. Done. Sorry, SOL.

All of that RED you see in the image above are the states that California doesn’t play well with when it comes to concealed carry permits. It’s like the whole country died.

The bottom line is this: If you want to make it out of California after your road trip, leave the firearms at home. Hopefully on your ventures, you won’t need them. In the end, though, California doesn’t care if you’ll need them or not.

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