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Armed Robber Finds Armed Citizen By Accident, Is Shot Twice And Sent To The Ground

According to the timestamp in the video, this incident occurred in July of 2022. The location isn’t clear and I tried making out the words on the floor along with the logo, but didn’t conclusively come up with anything.

Regardless, it seems that what took place was a planned armed robbery of the woman in the video, however that plan didn’t work out for the bad guy.

One of the two men standing and talking with the woman was armed, and paying attention to the guy walking up to them. The other guy doesn’t seem to be armed, and puts his hands in the air when things start to go down.

The armed good guy, however, quickly draws his gun while swiveling around and firing a shot into the bad guy’s shoulder, sending him fleeing for the door he just came in.

Still a possible threat, the armed good guy fires a second shot which sends the armed bad guy to the ground. There could be some questions about the legality of the 2nd shot, but it would seem from the video that it makes sense to think the armed good guy was still in fear for his life because the bad guy still had his gun in his hand and could have pointed it at him. But I’m not a lawyer.

Outcome of this incident: Unknown.

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