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Armed Defender Manages Two Head Shots While Being Chased By Armed Robbers On Motorcycle *WATCH*

When confronted with a deadly threat, we as armed citizens should look to stop the threat. Shooting to stop the threat verses shooting to kill the threat are completely different. I’m not sure what the armed defender in this video was trying for, but he managed to shoot both armed robbers in the head. While they were on a motorcycle. Chasing him as he was running.

While he wasn’t running when he fired the shots, it’s still an amazing feat to see what he was able to do to successfully defend himself.

While watching the video below, pay attention to what the armed defender did as soon as he sensed danger. He gets off his bike, throws his backpack off in an attempt to move quicker and get away. He tries, running fast and in the opposite direction, but the two robbers quickly follow him.

That’s when he knew he needed to act and defend himself. He stops running, pauses for a moment and then fires two or three shots at his advancing attackers, landing two head shots in the process.

Watch the video, learn some lessons, and continue to train.

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