
Man Attempts Armed Robbery, Is Shot With His Own Gun By Intended Victim

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — A man who should change professions was shot with his own gun after trying to rob another man.

The robber, identified as 21-year-old Travis Stanley, tried to rob a 25-year-old man Monday night and miscalculated his target. The victim got into a struggle with Stanley over the gun, and the victim won possession. As soon as he did, he fired at Stanley, hitting him with his own bullet.

I’m glad to see that the intended victim was able to overpower Stanley and potentially save his own life by taking control over the situation. Had he not been able to do that, the outcome could have been worse.

I still recommend carrying your own firearm, and not banking on the criminal losing the fight.

With a story like this, comments tend to be the same and in complete agreement. One top comment on the news article pinned this down perfectly, saying:

ScreenHunter_533 Apr. 30 23.49

I completely agree.

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