
Man Shot Multiple Times After Banging On Doors Looking For His Girlfriend

SAN ANTONIO, TX — A man was shot multiple times in a Texas apartment complex when he decided that he really needed to talk with his girlfriend, right now, at 3:30 in the morning.

To make that happen, he banged on doors all over the complex and managed to provoke a gunfight, leaving him seriously wounded.

As CBS Austin reports:

The shooting happened at an apartment complex on on Gawain Drive, near Walzem Road, at about 3:30 a.m.

Investigators say a 24-year-old man went to the complex searching for his girlfriend and began banging on doors. At some point, the grandfather of the woman said he heard gunshots, so he pulled out a gun and fired several shots, hitting the 24-year-old man three times. Police say they found bullet holes in surrounding buildings and cars that supported the grandfather’s story.

The injured man drove away and stopped at another apartment complex on Bentley Drive. Paramedics picked him up at that location and took him to San Antonio Military Medical Center in critical condition. Police are considering him a suspect in the case. The incident remained under investigation.

Moral of the story here? Allow me to suggest that if you’re having the hardest of times trying to find your lady friend so late at night some people are about to wake up for early morning jobs, maybe sleep on whatever issues you perceive and reassess in the morning.

Definitely don’t start banging on doors all over a living community hoping that maybe your lady friend had taken to one of them as a refuge. You might end up in a gunfight.

In the future, I think the best we can hope for this poor lady, besides a better guy friend, is a responsibly-armed life of her own.

It’s fantastic that she was able to come out ahead and safe.

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