Grandfather: 14-Year-Old Boy Shoots And Kills Home Intruder In Charlotte

Kids can’t properly use firearms? Get real. This 14-year-old not only saved his own life, but the life of his grandmother as well.

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Two intruders attempted to break into a home while a grandmother and her grandson were inside. The grandfather was not at home during the break-in.

When the grandson realized what was going on, he grabbed a firearm and shot one of the intruders, killing him. The other intruder was able to escape, but was later captured by police.

“It’s not something you can be proud of. But, I’m happy the way it turned out. Because my wife is getting over an illness,” [The Grandfather] told reporter Catherine Bilkey. “What would have happened if he wasn’t there? That’s all I can tell you. What would have happened.”

Neither the grandson or grandmother were injured.

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