• 4′ 11″ 105lb Woman Stops 200lb Attacker With Her Pocket Carry Pistol

    MANCHESTER, NEW HAMPSHIRE — A 65-year-old woman half her attacker’s size is crediting her firearm for saving her the other night during a frightening ordeal that occurred just feet away from her apartment. The woman, who is 4-foot-11 and 105 pounds, said she had stopped at Mobil on the Run, 1050 S. Willow St., at about 11:30…

  • Robber Says “Empty Your Pockets” To Concealed Carrier, Got More Than He Bargained For

    DETROIT, MICHIGAN — A would-be armed robber was shot and killed when he walked behind a gun owner purchasing cigarettes at a local gas station. According to WXYZ-7, the robber walked up behind him and told him to empty everything out of his pockets.  That was when the gun owner turned around and shot the…

  • [CCW IN ACTION] Houston Concealed Carriers Unload On Armed Muggers — Why We Travel In Packs

    HOUSTON, TEXAS — Three robbery suspects, two of which were believed armed, suffered a terrible surprise when they attempted to ambush two men and two women exiting a bar at 2 am.  According to statements released by the victims and Houston Police through KHOU, two armed robbers approached the group as they were getting into…

  • Robber’s Life Cut Short After Choosing Armed Citizen As Target

    EVANSTON, OHIO — A 16-year-old boy is dead after attempting to rob two contractors doing work on a home.  The first contractor had stepped outside at 11:30 pm and was held at gunpoint while he went to his van parked out front and retrieved his wallet.  A second contractor stepped outside and the armed robber…

  • Concealed Carry In Chicago Saves Another Life: Father Defends Himself And Son From Armed Robber

    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS — On December 5th, a 68-year-old man was with his 9-year-old son when he says an armed man came up to him and attempted to rob him at gunpoint. Little did the robber know that this father was carrying a concealed firearm under Illinois’ relatively new concealed carry laws. Shortly after the suspect displayed…

  • [CCW IN ACTION] Armed Robbers Beat Feet After Concealed Carrier Draws Gun

    NEWPORT NEWS, VIRGINIA — A concealed carrier waiting in line at a convenience store was rudely interrupted by three robbers, of which at least one was armed.  According to WAVY, the three robbers walked up to the counter.  One of them drew his handgun and they all announced they were committing a robbery. Why else…

  • Concealed Carrier Holds Burglar At Gunpoint With Her FNX .45

    CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE — A woman successfully subdued a would-be burglar outside her home using her FNX .45.  The suspect, James Jeffrey Dunn, was allegedly trying to break in through her front door late at night.  She got her handgun and confronted the burglar, according to WRCB.  Once at the doorway, she yelled through the door…

  • [CCW In Action] Detroit Bar Owner With CPL Fights Back After Thug Shoots Him

    DETROIT, MICHIGAN — A little section of the big city of Detroit known as Mexican Town has been plagued for years by armed robbers, threatening food truck vendors, bar owners, and customers alike.  Well, finally enough was enough.  One thug jumped up and demanded money from a local bar owner according to witness reports through…

  • Liquor Store Owner Saves Wife From Armed Robber, One-Handed

    BRIDGEPORT, CONNECTICUT — A liquor store owner sprang into action Wednesday night when a man entered with a gun and demanded cash from the store owner’s wife. Video shows the robber coming into the store and pointing a gun at the cashier, who happened to be owner Joao Alves’ wife. Once that happened, Alves can be…