Beginners Guides
For the millions of Americans living in some state of dependency upon legally prescribed painkillers, a lingering question abounds as to whether taking them and then carrying a gun presents a conflict. There is a dilemma. On one hand, we have a moral and legal obligation to be of sound mind should we be forced…
The famed Greek writer Homer stated “The blade itself incites to deeds of violence.” This sentiment is embraced by the anti-Second Amendment forces in our own contemporary times. People with a phobia of weapons impart mystical power onto inanimate objects that would suggest the object itself is the motivator for action. While I love the…
The acronym EDC, which stands for Every Day Carry, has developed a cult like following in the past few years. There are entire online forums devoted to this endeavor and the favorite activity of these forum participants is to post pictures of their current EDC (it appears particular EDC items change frequently for many). These…
The holster you choose to house your firearm is an important (and hopefully informed) decision with many different factors. It’s just as an important part of your rig as your firearm, belt or ammo are. Instead of listing some holsters that I hate and some that I love, I’ll provide you with 5 important things to…
By Robert Farago via The Truth About Guns The biggest mistake a concealed carrier can make: dying at the hands of an aggressor. Only not really. Let’s be honest. You could do everything right in an attack and still be killed. By the same token, you could do everything wrong and live. Concealed carry is…
Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” Fair enough, but I’m guessing Emerson didn’t carry a firearm. Recently, my husband and I were rooting through our big bag of holsters that we have accumulated through experimentation and trial-and-error over the course of our time as gun owners. We…
Law-abiding good citizens generally hate the idea of having to harm or kill another human being. For those of us that choose to go armed, we carry a weapon to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the elements of humanity who have no such reservations. If you find the notion of harming another unpleasant,…