
Is A Handgun Ban Coming To California? It Could Be Possible Due To Microstamping Laws

California is one of the toughest states in the country when it comes to gun control, and it seems to be getting worse as the months go by. Right now, pro-gun advocates are waiting for a judge to hopefully toss out a state microstamping law that was signed by then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2007 but only took effect in 2013.

The folks against the law argue that if the manufacturers can’t implement the technology because it isn’t ready yet (or because they simply don’t want to), then the handguns will effectively be banned from the state. This is in direct violation of the 2nd Amendment.

While this wouldn’t ban all handguns in existence, it would –over time– dwindle the supply down to nothing, since no new handguns (or very few) would be coming into the market.

“This is about the state trying to eliminate the handgun market,” said Alan Gura, the lead attorney in Pena v. Lindley, filed on behalf of the Second Amendment Foundation and Calguns Foundation against the Chief of the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms. “The evidence submitted by the manufacturers shows this is science fiction and there is not a practical way to implement the law.” He added, “At some point gun sales will cease.”

California Eastern District Judge Kimberly Mueller is considering the arguments and could place things on hold until the technology catches up, effectively stopping the ban on firearms that are not in compliance with the law.

It is noted that since the law took effect in 2013, not a single manufacturer has produced a new firearm that satisfies the new requirements. In fact, some manufacturers have released statements that say they will stop selling firearms in the California market, citing the new microstamping laws as the reason.

Those who support the law believe that it will help solve gun related crimes at a much higher rate than is currently achieved. They seem to be forgetting one important fact, and that is most firearms used in crimes are stolen or illegally obtained in another way. Finding a casing with a mark on it will only lead you back to the source of that firearm. In the meantime, it could have changed hands a dozen times in the crime world.

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