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Concealed Carrier Shoots And Kills Ax-Wielding Masked Robber At 7-Eleven

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON — An armed citizen was at the right place at the right time, saving lives during an ax attack by a would-be masked robber at a 7-Eleven in Seattle over the weekend.

Police say a man walked into the store early Sunday morning and started to swing an ax towards a customer, and then turning his attention to the clerk.

As the assailant attacked, the customer pulled out a pistol and fired, hitting the suspect. The clerk suffered minor injuries to his stomach and the suspect was pronounced dead at the scene. The customer who shot the suspect is described as a 60-year-old Seattle man who visits the store every morning to get coffee. His name was not immediately released.

The armed customer has his concealed carry permit and is not expected to face any charges, as this case seems to be pretty cut and dry.

“This could have been a lot worse,” King County Sheriff’s Sergeant Cindi West told KCPQ. “The clerk could be the one laying there dead on the floor right now.

I’ve heard the excuse before; “I’m only running down the road to the store, I’ll be back quick.” This is yet another example of how quickly things can go wrong, and why we should always be carrying, if we choose to carry in the first place.

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