
Toy Gun or Real Threat? Mendon Police Respond to ‘Senior Assassin’ Game Incident

MENDON, MASSACHUSETTS — Mendon’s finest swiftly responded to a residential area late Thursday night following a report of an individual brandishing a firearm. Concerned citizens had alerted the authorities, prompting an investigation into the matter.

However, it didn’t take long for the officers to unravel the truth behind the alarming situation. The supposed weapon causing the commotion turned out to be nothing more than a harmless water gun, employed in an exhilarating game dubbed “Senior Assassin.”

For those not in the know, “Senior Assassin” is a spirited tradition among high school seniors. In this game, each participant is assigned another student as their target, and the objective is to eliminate them by dousing them with a well-aimed blast from a water gun.

Acknowledging the prevalence of this game, the authorities were well aware that it was being played in the area. This familiarity undoubtedly assisted them in quickly recognizing the toy gun for what it was.

Nonetheless, it’s crucial to remember that the use of toy guns can lead to unintended chaos and concern, particularly when they are mistaken for genuine firearms. Even if a firearm is fake, any act of menacing someone by making them believe it is real is considered a serious offense, constituting a felony under the law.

Considering these implications, the Mendon Police Department earnestly implores all participating students to exercise utmost caution. While the game may offer exhilaration and fun, it is vital to ensure that the distinction between toys and actual weapons remains crystal clear to avoid unnecessary panic or potentially dangerous situations.

Let’s keep the spirit of friendly competition alive, but always prioritize the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

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