
Man Tries to Hold Petty Thief at Gunpoint… Thief Not Even Arrested After Capture

PASADENA, CA — A man tried to hold a thug at gunpoint in the middle of the night for getting into unlocked cars and stealing near-worthless items, the Pasadena Star-News reports.

Fortunately, the man had the presence of mind to not fire on the retreating thief once he made a bolt for it, and police were able to arrest the guy shortly thereafter.

The crime wasn’t enough to merit arresting him, at least according to the police on the scene.

According to the Pasadena Star-News:

A man allegedly stole items from four unlocked cars in Pasadena on Wednesday, Aug. 29, but got caught by a resident who ordered the culprit at gunpoint to get out of the victim’s car, police said. The suspect fled but officers arrested him.

Pasadena Lt. Max Dahlstein said the suspect took CDs, documents, a phone charger, a small amount of money, glasses, ID and mail from vehicles left unlocked in the 500 block of Summit Avenue at about 1 a.m. One victim saw the suspect in his car, came outside with a handgun and ordered him to get out, Dahlstein said. The victim tried to keep the man at the scene for police, but the suspect ran.

The victim called police and officers saw the fleeing suspect, who surrendered. Demario Dwayne Ellis, 29, of Pasadena was arrested on suspicion of petty theft. Police cited and released him.

Here’s a bit of friendly advice:

If the crime someone will be accused of will result in a citation, you probably didn’t need to pull a gun on him in the first place.

If the criminal makes off with “CDs, documents, a phone charger, a small amount of money, glasses, ID and mail” out of some cars, he’s not posing a deadly threat to anyone.

If you see something like this — call the cops. Take photos. If you are forced to confront someone, absolutely be armed — but maybe don’t hold them at gunpoint for their grand $75 caper.

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