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Mexico Deploys “More Than 8,000” Members Of The Military To Beaches To Guard Vacationers

MEXICO — Mexico’s beach resorts now display an unusual sight: sunbathers and tourists sharing the white sands with thousands of armed soldiers.

Following a series of murders in popular vacation destinations like Acapulco and Cancún, the Mexican government deployed “over 8,000” military personnel to secure the country’s major tourist centers during Easter Week, according to El Pais.

This move is aimed at protecting the nearly $9 billion in expected tourist revenue during this peak travel period.

Defense Minister Luís Cresencio Sandoval confirmed that the military presence would include six helicopters, 755 patrol cars, 377 pickup trucks, 10 speedboats, and 45 all-terrain vehicles. In addition, the Armed Forces will provide security at 14 airports and 42 bus stations until April 16.

Despite ongoing violence and safety concerns, Acapulco and Cancún’s hotel occupancy rates have remained high, at 73% and 80% respectively.

The presence of soldiers on the beaches has not deterred tourists, but the potential risks are evident.

Locals are aware that organized crime groups control many businesses, extorting vendors and service providers.

Even so, the National Tourism Business Council (CNET) has called on the government to guarantee safety in tourist destinations, urging that they “should not have to endure an environment of violence and insecurity.”

In response, Quintana Roo Governor Mara Lezama shared images on social media of heavily armed soldiers patrolling the state’s coastline.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has previously ordered similar military deployments in airports and Mexico City’s subway system, with mixed results and criticism from opposition politicians and civil organizations.

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