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Fatal Cemetery Shooting That Saw More Than 30 Rounds Fired Ruled Self-Defense

HORSHAM TOWNSHIP, PENNSYLVANIA — The Montgomery County District Attorney announced on Friday that a deadly shooting that took place in a Horsham Township cemetery last month was a legitimate act of self-defense, according to WPVI.

Daniel Hawkins, 29, from Philadelphia, was fatally shot at Whitemarsh Memorial Park on Limekiln Pike on March 18. The incident occurred as people convened to honor the birthday of a deceased friend who had been killed in Norristown in 2013.

The D.A.’s office revealed that Hawkins arrived at the cemetery armed with a handgun modified to function as a fully automatic weapon. Investigators reported that Hawkins approached a vehicle and initiated gunfire.

In response, 33-year-old Arian Davis of Philadelphia, who was inside the car, fired back, resulting in Hawkins’ death. The D.A. confirmed that Davis possessed a legally acquired firearm and a valid concealed carry permit.

Davis sustained gunshot wounds to his jaw, hand, and leg, and received treatment at Abington Hospital.

District Attorney Kevin Steele stated, “Davis was under attack and in danger of being killed when he fired his legally owned weapon to end the threat. For these reasons, I conclude that this was a justifiable shooting, and therefore, no criminal charges are warranted.”

Over 30 shell casings were discovered at the scene.

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