
Men Shot By Kyle Rittenhouse Can Be Described As “Rioters” and “Looters”, But Not Victims: Judge Ruling Prior To Trial

The Judge presiding over the Kyle Rittenhouse trial has made a ruling that states the prosecution cannot use the term “victims” when talking about the people who Rittenhouse shot, instead they can use the terms “rioters” and “looters”. The trial, which jury selection is set to begin on November 1st, will not allow the prosecution to use the term “victims” at all when referring to the men who were shot.

Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder cautioned the defense team against using pejorative terms during opening statements, but he said they could use them in their closing arguments if the evidence suggested the men engaged in criminal acts.

via Chicago Tribune

This is a somewhat common ruling in self-defense cases.

Rittenhouse faces charges related to fatally shot Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber, and wounded Gaige Grosskreutz in August 2020. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges, citing self-defense.

Coverage of the story took the internet by storm because the incident, almost in it’s entirety, was captured on various cell phone videos.

The case has polarized the nation, with many believing that Rittenhouse murdered the men in cold blood. From our analysis of video and evidence, we’re on the other side and believe that Rittenhouse acted well within his rights to defend himself against multiple aggressors.

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