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Woman Strangled Unconscious During Kidnapping, Saved By Armed Man

KANSAS CITY, MO — An armed citizen was placed in the exact right location and time to assist a women who dearly needed it early this month, WDAF reports.

A would-be kidnapper was trying to drag the mother of his three kids into her car and away, strangling her and beating her. She cried for help, but no one did a thing until a good man with a gun saved her life.

According to WDAF:

Benjamin Seadorf was with his four children on Saturday when he suddenly heard what he described as “blood-curling screams” coming from outside his home near 12th Street and Van Brunt Boulevard.

“She definitely was in fear of her life,” Seadorf said. “She was screaming at the top of her lungs, profusely bawling. She just kept screaming, ‘Help me! Help! Somebody, please help me!’ over and over again.”

Security video shows Seadorf running out his front door with his 9-millimeter handgun toward the intersection where a silver car was stopped at a traffic light. You can’t see much of what happens next because a tree is blocking the car, but a police report details a brutal attack involving Alarick Williams and the mother of his three children.

“I was completely in shock that he started beating on her and forcing her in the car,” Seadorf said.

Williams is accused of violently grabbing the victim, forcefully shoving her back into the car and strangling her until she lost consciousness. He started beating her because she wanted him to drop her off at her cousin’s house, according to the report. This all happened in front of the couple’s three young children who were in the back seat… Seadorf approached the car with his gun pointed at Williams then told him to get out and down on the ground.

“He put the car in park, and I knew he was going to start to comply, and I wouldn’t have to go any further,” Seadorf said.

Police arrested Williams a short time later. Seadorf said he was shocked no one else in the area tried to intervene.

People often mean well, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to put their lives on the line for a stranger, especially if they don’t know what’s going on. Sometimes they’re scared. Sometimes they’re just shocked and confused. None of them did anything to save her, though — so does it really matter?

What saved her is the living embodiment of the anti-gunner’s nightmare. A quick-thinking, brave, armed citizen stopped a woman’s nightmare, and by God, armed citizens will continue to do so where they can.

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