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Governor Roy Cooper’s Expected Response to North Carolina’s Pistol Purchase Permit Repeal Bill

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper is expected to make a decision regarding the controversial pistol purchase permit repeal bill shortly.

It’s unlikely he’s going to sign it into law.

The legislation, which has passed both the state’s House and Senate, seeks to eliminate the need for permits to purchase handguns, according to WSOC-TV.

The bill has sparked considerable debate, with proponents arguing that the current permit system is a relic of the Jim Crow era and discriminates against minority communities, according to WNCT.

They also argue that the permit process is redundant due to federal background checks (2). On the other hand, critics of the bill, including gun control advocates and some law enforcement officers, contend that the repeal would make it easier for dangerous individuals to acquire firearms, according to a separate article by WSOC-TV.

Governor Cooper, a Democrat, has historically supported gun control measures, leading some to speculate that he may veto the bill.

He almost certainly will.

However, the NC House approved the bill with three Democrats breaking ranks to join the mostly party line vote, according to Fox News.

That makes it highly possible that North Carolina gun rights advocates will see an override of Cooper’s penchant for quashing pro-gun legislation.

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