
Man At Gun Range ND’s Right Into His Hand And Woman’s Stomach

CLEVELAND, OHIO — Two people were shot at a gun range in Cleveland on December 23rd when a man had a negligent discharge with his Glock 17.

Video of the incident was shared with media in the weeks after the event, and clearly shows what happened. The man took his Glock 17 out of his bag and began manipulating it while it was loaded and pointed at one of the women standing next to him.

He pulled the trigger, sending the bullet through the palm of his hand, which then traveled into the woman’s stomach area before finally exiting through her leg.

The man and woman are related, and it appears that the woman will not be pressing any charges.

Staff at the range quickly ran out to assess and render first aid to the people shot. Both were taken to the hospital for treatment and are said to be at home recovering.

The shooting incident begins at the 3:15 mark in the video below.

Public ranges can be hazardous to your health. It’s important to always adhere to the gun safety rules and when doing so, you’ll never have a negligent discharge. The man who pulled the trigger broke multiple rules, including pointing his firearm at an unintended target, and pulling the trigger at an inappropriate time.

Keep that brain working when you’re handling firearms.

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